Wednesday, December 5, 2007

immunization shots and moving don't mix

I am leaving the country in a couple of months and decided it was about time to get updated immunization shots. I had my doctor's appointment today. I also decided this was a great week to move out of my apartment and put everything into storage. I've discovered these two activities do not mix very well. Remind me to never get 3 immunizations on the same day that I pack all my earthly possessions into boxes and haul them around town. Just in case I try to do this again.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ugly Christmas sweater party

One of the best parts of my job is our annual Ugly Christmas sweater party. With 100 people attending and only a small Goodwill store to buy a sweater from, I always think I should buy my outfit early. Invariably I don't look for a sweater until the day of the party. This year was no exception. When I showed up at Goodwill on Wednesday afternoon I ran into 3 guys from our ministry who bought the last of the "good" stuff. The only things left were several Christmas vests in kids sizes.

My dreams of an ugly Christmas sweater were thwarted so I figured the next best thing would be to buy any ugly sweater. I found a grotesque baggy red sweater with a built in fur scarf. The creators of this ugly sweater were geniuses and attached the scarf to the neck of the sweater at the back so it would never fall off. There was even a slot for the fur to pass through the other side giving it a "scarf" look. I was awed by the creativity of the desiger in making something so hideous.

As it turns out, my sweater wasn't ugly enough. At the party many people greeted me hesitantly with,"You look cute." After hearing variations of this greeting all night I concluded that people couldn't figure out if my sweater fit into the ugly theme or not. Either I don't know current fashion and the "ugly sweater" I bought is actually in style, or my friends thought this was my new favorite sweater and they didn't want to offend me. Either option leaves me feeling insecure as to my ability to dress myself.

Moral of the story...I'm going "ugly Christmas sweater" shopping January 1st this year.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Night rafting

Last night my plan was to have a low-key night of playing games. But then Brent had the idea of floating down the Willamette river in his new raft. Kristen set to work convincing reluctant particpants (me) to go. I finally agreed to night rafting on the condition that I didn't have to carry the raft or do any rowing. With the promise of my terms being met, six of us headed to the Willamette river.

It's a good thing I didn't have to do any rowing because I did in fact have to pick up that raft...4 or 5 times. What I thought would be a leisurely float down the river turned into a mini-adventure that lasted 5 hours. We ended up putting the raft in the water at an "unofficial boat launch" which consisted of a steep narrow path in between blackberry bushes at a local park. By this time it was pitch black...I don't know where the moon was last night...and only Brent had the foresight to bring a headlamp. Stumbling over rocks and becoming tangled in blackberry branches, we carried the gear one more time and finally got on the river at about 9:30.

Brent rowed us down the river to a flat spot where we made a camp fire. The s'mores were great with the added flavor of smoke from a duraflame log. The stars were awesome and the company was fun and refreshing.

I must admit Kristen was right, I didn't want a low key night after all.

Monday, July 23, 2007

cm2007 conference

I was in Korea a couple of weeks ago for a conference with Crusade. My 8 days there provided me with countless things to blog about, and I will just write about one for today.

The Koreans were incredible hosts, looking out for all of our needs. In the conference handbook we were told what food we would be eating each day, and there was even a picture of what to expect at meal time. They also gave us a tip about the food. "If your food smells spoiled, don't eat it and let one of the conference workers know." I remember thinking, "All the food smells spoiled, how am I supposed to know if it really is?" So I ate my meals gratefully and in ignorance.

Until one day at the staff women's time. I was sitting in my chair, chatting with friends and enjoying my lunch consisting of unidentifiable dishes. One of the conference workers got on the microphone to inform us that one of the side dishes in the meal had "slightly spoiled" and she told us not to eat it. My stomach turned and I broke out into a sweat as I swallowed my last bite of the dish she just talked about. I now know what spoiled Korean food is like.

Cheyenne Frontier Days

Yesterday I participated in a cultural experience. It was the 111th celebration of frontier days, held in Cheyenne Wyoming. As I thought of what to wear for the day, my fake cowgirl hat was at the top of my list. Then I imagined myself being so clearly seen as a poser that I would get beat up by real cowgirls wearing wranglers, sparkly shirts, and real hats. Oh, and don't forget those boots. Cowgirls are nice, but don't get on their bad side. I know. I'm from Montana.

It's a good thing that anyone is accepted at frontier days cause I had such a blast. The Rodeo was fantastic. One of the bulls earned his living when he gave us a good show by digging his horns into the cowboy who dared to ride him. The guy walked away though, and I was amazed once again by how tough cowboys are.

One of my favorite moments was the Native American dance show. They even invited me to dance with them for the last song. I was proving my motto in life to be true once again, and I danced.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

more crazy animals in Tahoe

Yesterday my friend Kelly and I were taking care of last minute details for summer project. In the Staples parking lot we pulled in next to an old convertible car with chipped paint. There was a dog in the passenger seat, which is not weird. But when the dog turned its head towards us, we saw that it was wearing sunglasses!

I tried taking a picture of it so you could enjoy the sight. But the dog started snarling and barking at me when I pulled out my camera and I got scared and ran away. I'm hoping to see it again and I will be brave and get a picture the next time.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Animal sightings in Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is full of incredible wildlife like....

The peach colored parrot that was sitting on the tailgate of a Dodge truck in a parking lot. I wouldn't have noticed this bird had it not started talking to two cute girls walking by. As I was trying to decipher what the bird was saying, the owner came out to feed the bird an apple. This guy was tough..a miner in fact. His truck had a logo that said a company name and then "exploration and mining inc." The owner was wearing carhartts, sporting a fumanchu mustache, and wearing a tight tank top. Just the type of guy I would imagine owning a peach parrot.

In other animal sightings....
I was walking down to Camp Richardson with some friends today. A guy on a bicycle passed us with a child carrier in the back, naturally we expected to see a child sitting there.
Instead we saw a cat.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Tahoe is a crazy place #2

I'm sitting in an amazing coffee shop in Tahoe. When I ordered my french press coffee I even got to choose from among 15 beans from different parts of the world. I chose an Italian roast, next time I'm going for a Costa Rica bean. Anyway, this isn't a post about my coffee obsession...what was I talking about?

Oh yeah. Another crazy Tahoe sighting.

These 3 biker guys just walked in all dressed in their black leather and chains. They said to the barista, "What's a mocha shake?" After the explanation, I heard, "I'll have one of them. Give me one with white chocolate."

Luckily the Bing Crosby music playing in the background was too loud for them to hear me chuckling at them. I bet they would have gently set down their white chocolate mocha shakes and beat me up.

Tahoe is a crazy place #1

I'm in Lake Tahoe, CA for summer project. This has been such a great opportunity for new observations. This place is crazy, let me tell you.

Today we had a staff meeting outside and I saw these two crazy events within a few minutes of each other:

A tow truck hauling another tow truck. I think there's a problem with this picture.

Off in the distance I heard a faint "tinkle", "tinkle" of a bike bell. That's a common sound since the project property is surrounded by bike paths. When I looked in the direction of the bike bell I saw a man in a billowy shirt, a wide brim purple hat with a 2 foot bright purple feather sticking out of it. He was followed by a woman on another bike in a red medieval shirt and jeans.

I apologize to my fellow summer project directors for laughing out loud during staff meeting. But the pirate made me do it!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Always camp with an Italian

My wanderlust caught up with me last week and I had to get out into the wilderness. Disregarding the promise of rain, I called up a friend and we made a plan to go camping and hiking. Our destination was Opal Creek, just east of Salem.

I learned some great lessons on this excursion:
  • My friend Ari can make anything burn
  • Secret camping spots make even a rainy weekend worth it
  • Always camp with an Italian
My friend invited her Italian friend along for the weekend. A great call I would say because he generously provided all the food. I've never eaten so good while camping. Caprese, pasta with red sauce, olive bread, Italian espresso in the mornings, and sipping on port as we sat around the campfire at night.

That's me in the yellow.

Monday, May 14, 2007

dancing fool

"We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well just dance."

I am a reluctant dancer. This weekend my friend Kristen invited me to a west coast swing dance on campus. I was super intimidated to go because I stink at it, and I feel bad for the unsuspecting guys who ask me to dance. But the above proverb is my new motto in life, so I went dancing.

Somehow when I heard "west coast swing," I pictured country swing. Country swing is easy, the whole point is to get the girl dizzy by spinning her as fast and as frequently as possible. At least that's the way we danced when I was in college in Montana. All I had to do was hang on as I got flung around the dance floor.

West coast swing is not that. I quickly realized my error in judgement and began to hyperventilate. The friend I went with loves to dance, and I was not about to ask her if we could leave just because I was ready to throw myself out of the second story window.

My dance salvation came when several guys that I know from CRU walked through the door. Changing into their dancing shoes and blatantly ignoring my "deer caught in the headlights" look, they made me dance. After a couple of songs I was having a great time. I still couldn't dance, but I was having fun and being foolhardy. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

a knock at the door

Today I was at home, listening to Chris Tomlin and working on email, when there was a loud and abrupt knock at my door. I figured it was my friend who said he would stop by to return a book he had borrowed. "That knocking is uncharacteristically aggressive of him," I thought.

When I opened the door I was met not by my friend, but by a guy in a wide brim hat just like the old time detectives wear on t.v. Turns out he was a detective. A real live detective for the FBI at my door! So they really do wear those hats.

I admit I was scared, racking my brain trying to figure out what I had done wrong. Turns out the detective wanted to ask me some questions about one of my friends who is applying for a job with the U.S. government.

I felt all the blood in my body rush to my face, even though I had nothing to hide. It made me wonder, "How do all those people on t.v. stay so calm and collected when an agent knocks on their door?" I need to go back and watch the first few seasons of Alias to see how Sydney Bristow handles situations like this.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Almost famous

I just "googled" myself to see what amazing things I can learn about me via the internet. Turns out, I don't exist in cyberspace. Not even this blog comes up. I guess this means I will never have an experience like in that movie where Hitch looks up the girl on the internet and plans a whole date around what he found out about her. Just as well I guess.

I should do something to at least get on the public records. I'm sure if I went bankrupt, got married, or sued someone, then my name would appear. Can anyone help me figure out how to sue someone?

Friday, March 9, 2007


I just received information about a new and exciting game...I think this speaks for itself.

"Spouse-ology, the new relationship game from FamilyLife, tests you on your favorite subject: your spouse! It's great as a small-group ice-breaker or a fun way to meet your neighbors."

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Babies R' Us

I went to a friend’s baby shower a while ago. Naturally, she was registered at Babies R’ Us. I’ve never stepped foot in the store, and as soon as I heard the swoosh of the doors closing behind me I knew I was in trouble. I was overwhelmed and suddenly felt like a baby myself as I lost all sense of time and decision making ability. This warehouse…um…I mean…store is full of all the things you need for a baby. Like “baby’s first Valentine’s Day” outfits, and Baby Einstein videos.
I was rescued from my infantile state when the helpful woman at the registry desk gave me a map of the store and a sympathetic ear. She even told me the first time she walked into the store, she walked one lap around the store and walked right back out. And now she works there. I hope that’s not foreshadowing for my next career.

Don’t misunderstand me, I LOVE babies. I just don’t understand the baby world. How could you need a whole warehouse of stuff for one baby? And I don’t even want to know what that pump is for.

No self-respecting Montanan would...

...use an umbrella while it was snowing.
But that’s just what I did this winter during one of those rare Oregon snow storms. You know the ones where everyone freaks out and suddenly doesn’t know how to drive, and all the schools get closed. “What…is….that….white….stuff…falling from the sky?”

Anyway, this isn’t about the crazy Oregon natives, it’s about this self-incriminating Montanan. The use of the umbrella did have some high points. When I showed up for my meeting, the papers I was carrying were dry, and my hair maintained it’s cute-ness. Despite the positives, I couldn’t help laughing and being ashamed of myself during the long walk from my car to the student union building.

At least I wasn’t wearing purple stiletto heels and carrying an umbrella in the snow like one girl I saw.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I'm blogging

For weeks I've been trying to convince myself that I could join the ranks of bloggers. I am one of the least tech-savvy people I know, how could I possibly handle the pressure of setting up a blog? After some encouragement from a prolific blogger, and help in deciding the all important question of what to name my blog, I'm off and running.

Here you will not find lengthy discourses about philosophical truths, or insights into the depths of my soul. No, this is a place for me to share with you the stupid things I do every day, and also the bizarre things I notice in the world around me. Happy reading!