Monday, June 11, 2007

Animal sightings in Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is full of incredible wildlife like....

The peach colored parrot that was sitting on the tailgate of a Dodge truck in a parking lot. I wouldn't have noticed this bird had it not started talking to two cute girls walking by. As I was trying to decipher what the bird was saying, the owner came out to feed the bird an apple. This guy was tough..a miner in fact. His truck had a logo that said a company name and then "exploration and mining inc." The owner was wearing carhartts, sporting a fumanchu mustache, and wearing a tight tank top. Just the type of guy I would imagine owning a peach parrot.

In other animal sightings....
I was walking down to Camp Richardson with some friends today. A guy on a bicycle passed us with a child carrier in the back, naturally we expected to see a child sitting there.
Instead we saw a cat.

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