Saturday, September 8, 2007

Night rafting

Last night my plan was to have a low-key night of playing games. But then Brent had the idea of floating down the Willamette river in his new raft. Kristen set to work convincing reluctant particpants (me) to go. I finally agreed to night rafting on the condition that I didn't have to carry the raft or do any rowing. With the promise of my terms being met, six of us headed to the Willamette river.

It's a good thing I didn't have to do any rowing because I did in fact have to pick up that raft...4 or 5 times. What I thought would be a leisurely float down the river turned into a mini-adventure that lasted 5 hours. We ended up putting the raft in the water at an "unofficial boat launch" which consisted of a steep narrow path in between blackberry bushes at a local park. By this time it was pitch black...I don't know where the moon was last night...and only Brent had the foresight to bring a headlamp. Stumbling over rocks and becoming tangled in blackberry branches, we carried the gear one more time and finally got on the river at about 9:30.

Brent rowed us down the river to a flat spot where we made a camp fire. The s'mores were great with the added flavor of smoke from a duraflame log. The stars were awesome and the company was fun and refreshing.

I must admit Kristen was right, I didn't want a low key night after all.

1 comment:

Daniela said...

You are so brave. You inspire me. A lot.