Thursday, March 27, 2008

An Unexpected Sermon Application

Tonight I was hanging out in my little office/studio/quiet room listening to a sermon that I downloaded from Imago Dei church entitled “Why did Jesus have to die?” As I listened, I was challenged by the many and beautiful meanings of Jesus’ death. Over time the pastor’s voice was being drowned out by the voice of my upstairs neighbor who was yelling and swearing at English. As the yelling continued for 30 minutes getting louder and more animated, I just wanted him to shut up so I could enjoy the sermon. How could he be so rude and self-centered to not realize his voice carries through the central air shaft and right into my apartment? Why doesn’t he just give me what I want…some quiet? Angrily turning up the volume on my computer, I was struck by my own self-righteousness. I understood in an instant why Jesus had to die.

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